Saturday, 6 November 2021

Cottage Industries Or Small Industries Of Pakistan


Cottage Industry:

Cottage industry is a small scale business carried on in people's home.

Role of Cottage Industries in the development of Pakistan:-

In Pakistan there are several gains from small-scale industries. In cottage industries with small machines we can manufacture many goods.

Cottage industries or small scale industries are labor-intensive and provide employment to 80% of the industrial labor force. Cottage industries provide opportunities of employment for many people's and families thus un-employment will be reduced in the countary. At homes small scale industries provide employment for the women of rural areas. Women can earn and gain huge economic benefits. In rural areas local natural resources and waste materials can be used very well in the Cottage industries, both industrialist and owner of resources can get benefits. 30% of total Pakistan's foreign exchange is gained by the export of small scale business. Developed areas people gain more income than under developed areas this disparity among different regions will be reduced by Cottage industries. It is possible to help people to establish small-scale business and it creates jobs for unemployed people's. Cottage industries will help to reduce regional economic disparity.Cottage industries reduces the unemployment and offers opportunities for self-employment.As a result of Cottage industries in rural areas migration from rural to urban will be also reduced. When people get jobs in there local areas they will not move to urban areas for jobs.Employed people are  gainfull in villages, the migration of people from rural to urban areas will reduce. Cottage industries fulfil the needs of local people with cost effective price. Cottage industries decreases the burden of import and save foreign exchange.

Small-scale business in Pakistan are important in rural set-up. In most villages people have carpenters, blacksmiths, craftsmen,potters, cotton weavers etc. In villages many families depend upon small industries for income.Because they don't have other opportunities for gaining income so they make small-industries to make money and get economic benefits.

Cottage industries also have gained very much importance in the cities, towns etc. Traditional bangles , hand - woven carpets, rugs, brasswares, and embroidered work are in great demand. In rural and urban areas a program for cottage industries is likely to be achievable.


There are a few benefits of Cottage industries in the development of Pakistan:

1.      Cottage industries provide about 80% of employment to the industries. Cottage industries provide opportunities for self employment and reduces unemployment.

2.      Cottage industries provide a great opportunities of employment for which cannot work outside in our society. They can make bangles,hand-wovencarpets,rugs etc from there home by which women can gain employment.

3.      Cottage industries also provide cost-effective goods for local demands and save foreign exchange.

4.      In international market there is a demand forhand-wovencarpets,rugs and handi-crafts etc.We can gain 30% income from manufacturing mentioned goods.

5.      In the villages when families are employed, migration from rural to urban areaswill be reduced. The problems of urban areas such as transportation , sanitation, pollution, crimes, housing, health and education will be reduced.

6.      When cottage industries are expanded the regional disparity in the income of peoples will be reduced specially in the under developing districts.

7.      Cottage industries make sure effective uses of local raw materials. By which agriculture and mining will be promoted.

8.      Cottage industries does not require high capital and much money. So it is suited to traditional economic.

9.      In cottage industries modern technology and importedmaterialsare not required too much.

10.  Large-scale industries waste material can be used to produce by products. Such as sugar, cotton and steel industries.