Friday, 5 November 2021

Mineral Resources And There Advantages In The Development Of Pakistan


Amineral is anaturally occuring inorganic substance that is a key material basis for socio-economic development..

Mineral Resources of Pakistan:

Pakistan has deposits of  mineral resources such as coal, copper, gold, limestoneetc. Just like other developing countries Pakistan has not yet been able to promote growth and alleviate poverty by using our mineral resources to the maximum extent possible. Pakistan is taking advantage about 52 Minerals but at small scale. Coal, rock salt and other construction materials are mostly produced. The mineral sector is mostly concentrated about five main minerals such as limestone, coal,gypsum, sulphur, crude oil and natural gas.Mineral sector is currently contributing about 0.5% of GDP.

Pakistan is a country with large deposits of minerals provides a sound base for the development of a large number of Industries viz, Iron & Steel, Petrochemicals, Cement, Pottery etc. Various mineral deposits discovery provides employment to a large number of persons living in these areas, and improves their economic conditions. The availability of mineral resources in the country reduces the import bill of many items like, oil, chemicals etc. The mining sector thus makes a significant contribution to GDP.

Pakistan has been quite resources compared developing countries rich in mineral to many other of the world. Earmarked for minerals. (i) Hazard for Bauxite (ii) Chiral for Iron (iii) North-east Baluchistan and adjacent parts of Waziristan for Coal, Chromite, Copper and Marble (iv) ThePostwar Plateau for Oil, Natural Gas, Coal (v) The Salt Range and Malarial region for Rock salt,Coal and Gypsum (vi) Lower Indus plain for Gas, Oil and Coal.

The advantages of mineral resources in the development of the countary:

1.Copper and Gold:

Due the huge investment in the development of Saindak copper and gold deposit it's important resource of Pakistan. Major investment opportunities in Copper and Gold sectors are :

·         Modern Copper and Gold mining projects

·         Copper and Gold refining plants

2.Iron Ores:

In Punjab iron Ores are present in large deposits.In Pakistan about 1.427 billion metric tons of reserves of various grades of iron Ores are found. MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinIron sectorare:

·         Modern iron ore mining machines

·         Iron ore processing and steel productionplant


In Khyber Pakhtonkhwa largest resources of Gypsum are found.GeologicalSurveyofPakistan(GSP)estimatestherearetotal185billiontonscoalreservesofPakistanamongwhich184billiontonsreservesareintheSindh.MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinGypsum sectorare:

·         High quality plants of plaster of Paris

·         Modern machinery for gypsum sector


In Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtynkhwa largest reserves of Chromite are found. Pakistan can become a major exporter of Chromite.MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinChromite sectorare:

·         Chromite production plant

·         Ferrochrome production plant


Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) estimates there are total 185 billion tons coal reserves of Pakistan among which 184 billion tons reserves are in the Sindh.In Balochistan about 217 million tons of coal reserves are found. And in Punjab about 235 million tons coal reserves are found.MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinCoal sectorare:

·         Energy power plants running on coal

·         Washing plants for coal

·         Briquetting plant for coal

6.Natural Gas:

About 31 trillion cubic feet are the total natural gas reserves in the Pakistan. Which are mostly found in Balochistan and Sindh.GeologicalSurveyofPakistan(GSP)estimatestherearetotal185billiontonscoalreservesofPakistanamongwhich184billiontonsreservesareintheSindh.

7.Natural Oil:

Natural Oil is mostly found in Sindh and Punjab.

8.China Clay:

It's found in Sindh.It's also known as Kaolin. It contains 16-31 clay.


High quality Limestone is mainly found in Khyber Pakhtonkhwa and Northern areas of Pakistan. Around 8697 Metric tons is average annual production its used mainly in the manufacture of cement, road making, building construction and in the chemical industries.