Monday 8 November 2021

National Highways, Motarways and Scope of Road Transport In Pakistan


Road Transportation:

Transportation of peoples and goods from one place to the another on roads is known as Road Transportation.

Scope of Road Transportation in Pakistan:

Road transportation is the backbone of Pakistan's transportation system. National Highway and Motorway network is about 9,574 km long which is about 3.65% percent of the total road network.  80 % percent of Pakistan's total traffic is carried out by it. At this time , it's accounting for 96%percentofgoods and 91%  percent of travelers.



2.Door to Door service:

Road transportation provides door to door service so it's more beneficial than railway which is mostly found in big cities. While roads are present everywhere even in villages.

3.Flexible Services:

Road transportation provides flexible services with adjustment of time and routes according to individuals requirements. While other types of transportation follow a rigid, inflexible schedule of time and route.


Road transportation provides directly and indirectly employment to many people.

5.Useful for Shorter Distance:

Road transportation is most cost effective, quicker to vehicle people and goods for short distances. For long distances railway is good.

6.CompletingOther Mode of Transports:

With the help of road transport people reach at railway station, airport etc. Road transport provides feeder services to air, ship and  railway transport.

7.Personal Service:

People have their own vehicles so it can also provides personal services. Big business groups have their own vehicles to market their products and provide services to travelers. They are running their own transport setup without any delays, with their own route and time frame. While railway is managed by government.

8.Helpful in the Transportation of Rapidly Decomposing Goods:

Road transportation is helpful in the pickup and distribution of rapidly decomposing goods such as vegetables and fruits, from point of production to point of consumption.

9.Beneficial to Cottage Industries:

Road transportation is helpful to facilitate the mobility of men and goods of industries. Which are mostly away from railway.

10.Reliable Packing Cost:

Goods transported by road transport does not require extra packing to go through handling. So packing costs are much lower than other types of transportation.

Uses of Road Transportation in Pakistan:

There are few uses of road transportation in Pakistan.

1.      Road transportation is very much useful for national marketing. Road transportations can be used to send new products to costumers at any part of our country.

2.      Road transportation increases the marketing, nowadays many marketers have vehicles for efficient marketing

3.      Road transportation increases the operational value of any industry.

4.      Road transportation can be used to motivate and enhance staff value. When an organization provides road transportation to their staff and gives them a car or provides carriages it will obviously motivates staff and enhances the morale.

5.      Due to flexibility advantage of road transportation over other types of transportation it can be used to increase customer satisfaction. Road transportation can be used to deliver goods to final buyer with focus on pickup, delivery, monitoring by using micro processes in transport management.

6.      The cost of production can be reduced by efficient use road transportation. It will increase the profitability of organizations on its products.

7.      Smooth and efficient road transportation prevents the unnecessary delay in products and reduces waste of time therefore increases the productivity.

8.      Road transportation plays an important role both inbound and outbound logistics services.

9.      Delivery of different products to final customers, road transportation is most suitable mode for delivery of products.

10.  The successful management of any origination is depended on effective use of road transportation.

Saturday 6 November 2021

Cottage Industries Or Small Industries Of Pakistan


Cottage Industry:

Cottage industry is a small scale business carried on in people's home.

Role of Cottage Industries in the development of Pakistan:-

In Pakistan there are several gains from small-scale industries. In cottage industries with small machines we can manufacture many goods.

Cottage industries or small scale industries are labor-intensive and provide employment to 80% of the industrial labor force. Cottage industries provide opportunities of employment for many people's and families thus un-employment will be reduced in the countary. At homes small scale industries provide employment for the women of rural areas. Women can earn and gain huge economic benefits. In rural areas local natural resources and waste materials can be used very well in the Cottage industries, both industrialist and owner of resources can get benefits. 30% of total Pakistan's foreign exchange is gained by the export of small scale business. Developed areas people gain more income than under developed areas this disparity among different regions will be reduced by Cottage industries. It is possible to help people to establish small-scale business and it creates jobs for unemployed people's. Cottage industries will help to reduce regional economic disparity.Cottage industries reduces the unemployment and offers opportunities for self-employment.As a result of Cottage industries in rural areas migration from rural to urban will be also reduced. When people get jobs in there local areas they will not move to urban areas for jobs.Employed people are  gainfull in villages, the migration of people from rural to urban areas will reduce. Cottage industries fulfil the needs of local people with cost effective price. Cottage industries decreases the burden of import and save foreign exchange.

Small-scale business in Pakistan are important in rural set-up. In most villages people have carpenters, blacksmiths, craftsmen,potters, cotton weavers etc. In villages many families depend upon small industries for income.Because they don't have other opportunities for gaining income so they make small-industries to make money and get economic benefits.

Cottage industries also have gained very much importance in the cities, towns etc. Traditional bangles , hand - woven carpets, rugs, brasswares, and embroidered work are in great demand. In rural and urban areas a program for cottage industries is likely to be achievable.


There are a few benefits of Cottage industries in the development of Pakistan:

1.      Cottage industries provide about 80% of employment to the industries. Cottage industries provide opportunities for self employment and reduces unemployment.

2.      Cottage industries provide a great opportunities of employment for which cannot work outside in our society. They can make bangles,hand-wovencarpets,rugs etc from there home by which women can gain employment.

3.      Cottage industries also provide cost-effective goods for local demands and save foreign exchange.

4.      In international market there is a demand forhand-wovencarpets,rugs and handi-crafts etc.We can gain 30% income from manufacturing mentioned goods.

5.      In the villages when families are employed, migration from rural to urban areaswill be reduced. The problems of urban areas such as transportation , sanitation, pollution, crimes, housing, health and education will be reduced.

6.      When cottage industries are expanded the regional disparity in the income of peoples will be reduced specially in the under developing districts.

7.      Cottage industries make sure effective uses of local raw materials. By which agriculture and mining will be promoted.

8.      Cottage industries does not require high capital and much money. So it is suited to traditional economic.

9.      In cottage industries modern technology and importedmaterialsare not required too much.

10.  Large-scale industries waste material can be used to produce by products. Such as sugar, cotton and steel industries.

Irrigation And Issues of Farmers Of Pakistan


The artificial application of water to the soil through various systems of tubes, pumps and sprays is known as irrigation.

AgricultureisanimportantsectorofPakistanseconomyasitisconsideredasthebackboneofPakistan's economicstructure.Pakistanreliesheavilyonitsproductioni.e.crops.Pakistanspopulationisdirectlysupportedbythissector.Agriculture contributes26%toitsGDP.Our countryholdsoneofthelargestirrigationsystemswhichheavilysupportproductioninPakistan.Inordertoimproveproductioninour country,theresourcesmustbefullyutilizedmainlylandandwater,butthisalterationmainlydependsuponbiglandholdersbecause40%ofthearablelandhasbeenownedbythemhencetheycontrolmostoftheirrigationsystemthusstoppinganyrapidandfrequentagriculturalreforms.

Onemustconcludethatagriculture sectorplaysacentralroleandoutofthetotalpopulation,42.3%peoplehasbeenabsorbedbythesector.This sectorisakeysourceofforeignexchangeearnings.Withpassageoftime,populationisincreasingdaybydaythusdemandinggovernmenttotakesuitablemeasuresforbetterannualproductioninthecountry.Theperformanceduring2017-2018showedaremarkablegrowthof3.8%.Thiswasdonewiththehelpofsupportivegovernmentpolicies,availabilityofbettercertifiedseeds,pesticidesetc.Thecropsectorrecordedagrowthrateof3.83%ascompared0.91%inthelastyear.Agriculturaldevelopmentalsoraisesthecontributionforindustrialdevelopment.


Irrigation system of Pakistan have multiple components for example Rivers, canals barrages, head work’s, dams and tube wells (on smaller scale).

·         Rivers:

There are five main rivers of Pakistan.

·         Indus River:

Indus River is longest and largest river of Pakisran. Indus receives water of five rivers of Punjab i. The Jhelum ii. Chenab,  iii. Ravi,iv. Beas and v. Sutlej. After recieving water of these river The Indus River becomes largest river of Pakistan.

·         Dams:

Dam is a barrier to hold water and forming a reservoir to generate electricity or as a water supply.Travels dam is main which is constructed on Indus river.

·         Barrages:

A barrage is an artificial barrier on a river to prevent flooding , aid irrigation or to generate electricity.There areabout 16 barrages among which  six barrages are on the Indus river: i.Guddu Barrage, ii.Sukkur Barrage, iii.Kotri Barrage, iv. Taunsa Barrage, v.Chashma Barrage and vi.Jinnah Barrage.

·         Cannals:

A cannal is an artificial waterway constructed to convey water for irrigation.Thereare about 12 linked and 45 normal cannals in Pakistan.

Issuesfacedbythefarmersof Pakistan:

i. Lack of water:

Due to several reasons farmer use insufficient amount of water for there crops.

ii. Lack of modernization:

Former uses primitive cultivation methods such as traditional-plough methods etc in mostly areas. There is a very little use modern equipment.

iii.Dependence on traditional crops:

Many farmers depend on traditional crops such as wheat, rice and cotton. And they don't follow nation-wide agricultural plan.

iv. Poor Storage Facilities:

In rural areas due to poor storage facilities farmers usually have no other option than selling their products immediately at low market price.

v. Transportation Problems:

Lack of cheap and efficient transportation is a big problem seen by Pakistani farmers, small farmers still rely on bullock carts for transportation of their produces. Due to farmers can not sell there products in central markets so they sell there products in local markets at low price.

vi. High Interest Rates:

Most farmers take agricultural debt from local businessmen for cultivation  in the forms of seeds, pesticides and  fertilizers.

vii. Government Schemes:

Mostly big/wealthy landlords take benefits from government schemes while small farmers cannot get sufficient benefits from these schemes. 

Friday 5 November 2021

Mineral Resources And There Advantages In The Development Of Pakistan


Amineral is anaturally occuring inorganic substance that is a key material basis for socio-economic development..

Mineral Resources of Pakistan:

Pakistan has deposits of  mineral resources such as coal, copper, gold, limestoneetc. Just like other developing countries Pakistan has not yet been able to promote growth and alleviate poverty by using our mineral resources to the maximum extent possible. Pakistan is taking advantage about 52 Minerals but at small scale. Coal, rock salt and other construction materials are mostly produced. The mineral sector is mostly concentrated about five main minerals such as limestone, coal,gypsum, sulphur, crude oil and natural gas.Mineral sector is currently contributing about 0.5% of GDP.

Pakistan is a country with large deposits of minerals provides a sound base for the development of a large number of Industries viz, Iron & Steel, Petrochemicals, Cement, Pottery etc. Various mineral deposits discovery provides employment to a large number of persons living in these areas, and improves their economic conditions. The availability of mineral resources in the country reduces the import bill of many items like, oil, chemicals etc. The mining sector thus makes a significant contribution to GDP.

Pakistan has been quite resources compared developing countries rich in mineral to many other of the world. Earmarked for minerals. (i) Hazard for Bauxite (ii) Chiral for Iron (iii) North-east Baluchistan and adjacent parts of Waziristan for Coal, Chromite, Copper and Marble (iv) ThePostwar Plateau for Oil, Natural Gas, Coal (v) The Salt Range and Malarial region for Rock salt,Coal and Gypsum (vi) Lower Indus plain for Gas, Oil and Coal.

The advantages of mineral resources in the development of the countary:

1.Copper and Gold:

Due the huge investment in the development of Saindak copper and gold deposit it's important resource of Pakistan. Major investment opportunities in Copper and Gold sectors are :

·         Modern Copper and Gold mining projects

·         Copper and Gold refining plants

2.Iron Ores:

In Punjab iron Ores are present in large deposits.In Pakistan about 1.427 billion metric tons of reserves of various grades of iron Ores are found. MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinIron sectorare:

·         Modern iron ore mining machines

·         Iron ore processing and steel productionplant


In Khyber Pakhtonkhwa largest resources of Gypsum are found.GeologicalSurveyofPakistan(GSP)estimatestherearetotal185billiontonscoalreservesofPakistanamongwhich184billiontonsreservesareintheSindh.MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinGypsum sectorare:

·         High quality plants of plaster of Paris

·         Modern machinery for gypsum sector


In Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtynkhwa largest reserves of Chromite are found. Pakistan can become a major exporter of Chromite.MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinChromite sectorare:

·         Chromite production plant

·         Ferrochrome production plant


Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) estimates there are total 185 billion tons coal reserves of Pakistan among which 184 billion tons reserves are in the Sindh.In Balochistan about 217 million tons of coal reserves are found. And in Punjab about 235 million tons coal reserves are found.MajorinvestmentopportunitiesinCoal sectorare:

·         Energy power plants running on coal

·         Washing plants for coal

·         Briquetting plant for coal

6.Natural Gas:

About 31 trillion cubic feet are the total natural gas reserves in the Pakistan. Which are mostly found in Balochistan and Sindh.GeologicalSurveyofPakistan(GSP)estimatestherearetotal185billiontonscoalreservesofPakistanamongwhich184billiontonsreservesareintheSindh.

7.Natural Oil:

Natural Oil is mostly found in Sindh and Punjab.

8.China Clay:

It's found in Sindh.It's also known as Kaolin. It contains 16-31 clay.


High quality Limestone is mainly found in Khyber Pakhtonkhwa and Northern areas of Pakistan. Around 8697 Metric tons is average annual production its used mainly in the manufacture of cement, road making, building construction and in the chemical industries.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Advantages Of Forests And Shortage Of Forest In Pakistan


                       A large area of land that is covered with trees is known as forest.

Advantages of Forests:

Following are advantages of forests.

i. Oxygen provider:

Forests help maintain oxygen level in the environment which help the breathing of human and animals.

ii. Soil erosion reducer:

Forests reduce soil erosionand damage by slowing the flow of water during flood.

iii.Flood Controller:

Forests help in avoiding extremes of water flow which prevents flood.

iv. Economically important for humans:

Forests provide humansemployment, income,food,fibre,honey, wood and timber which can be exported and are used in making homes and furniture etc.


Forests are habitat for many kinds of animals, birds and reptiles etc.

vi. Reduces Pollution:

Forests reduces air pollution by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen which helps in the maintaining atmospheric temperature. Forests also reduces noise pollution.Forests help in the cleansing of air, water and soil.




viii. Medicine provider:

Differnt types of herbal medicine are found in forest which helps in the maintaining of human health. Such Sticta Pulmonaria or lungwort is a medicine which is found in forests and it is used in different kinds of lung diseases.

ix. Ecosystem friendly:


x.Climate friendly:

Crowns of trees hold the moisture it makes forests cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Why forestsinpakistanare verylessthantherequirement:

Pakistan is forest deficient countary it has only 2% forests of there agriculture land. Following are main reasons that's why Pakistan has less forests than the requirements.

1. Timber Mafia:

Timber Mafia sells wood such as Deodar and other trees with almost 10% profit.


Due to high population growth rate and unemployment with no other major economic activities, lumbering activities are major employer.

3.Low regeneration rate:

Such as Juniper forests have a low regeneration rate. Once they arecutted down or firewood no other alternatives were planted.

4.Intensive Cattle Rearing:

Due intensive Cattle Rearing shrubs and grasses of plataeu are diminshed.

5.Clearing of Forests for crops:

Extended irrigation system led to clearing of forests for tending crops.

6.Desert Conditions:

Almost desert conditions in the countary,persistently draughts have worsen the conditions.

7.Poor Communities Consumption:

Poor communities consumes wood and charcoal as a source of energy.

8. Lack ofPolicy :

Stakeholders lack of involvement in policy making there is no strong policy for forests management.